Enable ajax cart and settings for cart drawer. ( Drawer you can see when you click on cart icon in header)
In the theme editor, click Theme settings
Locate Cart
Set all options required for cart drawer and click save
Cart drawer options and settings
Set background, text and line colors
Show View Cart button? Enable to show view cart button on cart drawer and select button design and size.
Show Proceed to Checkout button? Enable to show Proceed to Checkout button on cart drawer and select button design and size.
Set Icons color and Icons background color ( Cart Note, Gift Wrap and Coupon Icons)
Enable Cart Note? Enabling this option allows the user to add special text in the cart drawer and cart page for their order.
Gift Wrapping Enabling this option, the user can add gift wrapping to their order from the cart page and drawer. Choose a button design to appear on the cart page.
Discount Coupon Enabling this option allows the user to add coupon code from cart drawer and cart page for their order. Coupon code will work on checkout page. Select button design that display on cart page.
Last updated